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HRD-300 | Rules

    How to Play/Team Setup

  • 1. No-Limit On Entries
  • 2. 300 Per Team
  • 3. To Reserve a spot and team pickup - Call Mike: 914-447-5445
  • 4. You must choose 7 players from the MLB available players page
  • 5. ONLY 1 player change allowed for all teams entered
  • 6. Your team of players must not exceed a total of 161 Home Runs from last (2021)
    Season's Stats
  • 7. You must fill out the online form and print a copy for pick-up, click here
  • 8. There is no limit to how many teams a person may enter

    How to Win/Payouts

  • 1. All Prizes are subject to change pending total entries
  • 2. There will be 3 term (7-weeks) Payouts (Top 2/3 Teams win per Term):
    • 1ST Term: May 15th - July 2nd
    • 2ND Term: July 3rd - August 20th
    • 3RD Term: August 21st - October 5th
  • 3. The top five (5) teams at the END of the season wins a payout
  • 4. All Ties will be split evenly

    Rules of the Game

  • 1. Deadline to enter all teams: May 15th 12:00 PM - NO Exceptions
  • 2. ALL player 2022 homeruns PRIOR to the Start of this pool WILL NOT COUNT TO THIS POOL
  • 3. A page of player 2022 homeruns up to May 14th will be posted...
  • 4. Every team owner is allowed ONE (1) PLAYER SWAP on any day between the dates of 6/5 and 9/17
  • 5. Any player may be swapped regardless of status; healthy, injured, being sent to minors, suspension, retired, etc.
  • 6. How will player swaps take affect?
    • A. You must contact HRD to make you player swap: (MIKE- 914-447-5445)
    • B. You must contact us before 7:00 PM EST to have your new player active for the following day's stats
      • 1. You contact us on 6/8 at 5:00 PM EST your new player will be active on 6/9
      • 2. You contact us on 6/8 at 7:01 PM EST your new player will be active on 6/10
    • C. You will only receive homeruns from new swapped/changed player from the date he is active on your roster
    • D. All prior homeruns from new swapped/changed player will NOT COUNT towards your team's overall
    • E. You are only allowed to use players from our Available Players list
    • F. Your are not allowed to exceed a total of 161 homeruns when swapping players, meaning swapping players must equal (or be lower for new player) in 2021 homeruns, unless your original team total was under 161 homeruns.
    • H. Any player change is final once confirmed by us (Derby Sports) NO Exceptions
    • I. Lastly; any LATE GAMES that go into the next calendar day WILL NOT affect player swaps, meaning if your swapped player goes active on 6/2 and he is on a team that started a game on 6/1 but said game extends over midnight into 6/2 those stats will not affect your team. Players that become active on your team will start to add homeruns to your team on games STARTED ON and after his active date.
  • 7. Player swaps and date changed will be posted on our Roster and Monthly Stats Pages
  • 8. All Regular Season October Homeruns count in September's Monthly Total